Lehigh Valley Elite Network Business Networking Event on ZOOM
Event Starts: Mar 26, 2020 - 11:00 am
Event Stops: Mar 26, 2020 12:30 pm
Contact: michaelmadden@aol.com
Phone: (484) 553-6992
Event Location: Lehigh Valley Elite Network On ZOOM
Address: Lehigh Valley Elite Network On ZOOM
City: Whitehall
Zip: 18052
State: Pennsylvania
Lehigh Valley Elite Network Business Networking Event on ZOOM
Please join our next meeting on THURSDAY, MARCH 26th from 11 am to 12:30 pm at www.DigNetStar.com/lv-elite
The Lehigh Valley Elite Network has been meeting monthly on the last Thursday of the month at The Texas Roadhouse, 4463 Southmont Way, Easton, PA 18045 and the second Tuesday of the month at Buca di Beppo, 714 Grape Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 for the past eight years.
On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Governor Wolf issued an order that all "Non-Life Sustaining Businesses" in the state must shut down to slow the spread of COVID-19. Per that guidance, many businesses have been ordered to close their physical locations until further notice including restaurants and many businesses that are involved in our network.
The order "does not apply to virtual or telework operations (e.g. work from home), so long as social distancing and other mitigation measures are followed in such operations.
These uncertain times can create tremendous anxiety for our population, business owners and working professionals.
That said, as we take measures to protect our physical health it is important to protect our mental state of mind and remember that we are all in this together. I have teamed up with Deb Colitas, Founder of www.digitalnetworksuperstar.com to continue our networking events online using the Zoom Video Conferencing platform.
Please join our next meeting on THURSDAY, MARCH 26th from 11 am to 12:30 pm at www.DigNetStar.com/lv-elite . This link utilized Zoom conferencing, as you may be asked to approve the program on your computer as you join the meeting. Please keep your microphone on mute so that instructions can be given. You will have time to introduce yourself, your business, and what we all can be doing for you at this time to help. We will learn from our first event on how to proceed with an effective format using this platform. Be strong during this time of need, we will all get through this together.